Let me count they ways…

When people ask me what my favorite oil is, I do have a hard time picking because I gain so much from so many, however one oil does stand out.  Frankincense is known as “The King of Oils”, and it’s for really good reason.  Almost every system in the body cheers when they encounter Frank!  Frankincense supports the cells of the body in a very powerful way.  This oil can be used topically, aromatically, and if you know that your oil is pure with not fillers, additives, or residues, you can even use it internally.  I love the brand of essential oils I use because the company was founded on a desire to know exactly what is in each bottle of essential oil, so their dedication to testing is outstanding.  For this reason, I feel confident in using this oil internally to support healthy cell function in my body.


What I love most about Frankincense is how it makes me think and feel!!  Frankincense has a way of shifting my thought space, and opening me up to new possibilities and creative paths.  This oils is the one most likely to be found in the diffuser in my glass studio!  A diffuser is a small, table top device that contains a well for tap water, and 2-4 drops of essential oil.  Once the electronic device is turned on you will see a mist coming out from the device, which is tiny water molecules bound with essential oils.  These molecules are dispersed into the air, allowing you to inhale as you work.  I place my diffuser a little behind where I’m working so that the draw from my ventilation brings the air past me.  This allows me to gain the most benefit from having it in the space.

Ask me any questions you have about diffusers.  What are they, how do they work, how to I get one in my home?  I love my diffusers!  I have them in several rooms of my house and love the way the change the energy and how my family feels each day!

Want to know more about who essential oils can impact you life as a glass artist?  Please sign up for one of our Free online Essential Lampworking webinars!

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